Water & Electric Utilities

At the City of Comanche, we are committed to providing safe, high quality water and electric services to our community, while maintaining a standard of excellence in customer service and environmental conservation. For online utility payment, please visit www.xpressbillpay.com or call (580) 439-8832 to pay with credit card by phone. Feel free to call our office if you have any questions or need assistance with any matters related to the water and/or electricity we provide!


Click here for more information on Our Local Power

For a free in home self energy audit please click here

Contact Info

Lester Lehew
Utility Superintendent (Water and Electric)
500 N. Rodeo Dr, Comanche, Oklahoma 73529
(580) 439-8832

Dominique Myhand
Billing Clerk
500 N. Rodeo Dr, Comache, Oklahoma 73529

Power That Gives Back

Our Local Power